We’ve put together a list of our 5 favorite exercises for low back pain and sciatic pain. Remember to always consult with your doctor or physical therapist before starting a new exercise program, to make sure you’re performing the best exercises for you!

Prone Prop on Elbows
Equipment required: floor mat
1. Lie on your stomach. Place your palms down flat next to you below your shoulders, with your elbows bent behind you.
2. Slowly press up to lift your chest off the ground keeping your elbows bent.
3. When starting, hold for 10 seconds, then lower back down. Repeat 5-6 times. As this becomes easier, increase the duration of your hold to 30 seconds, then 60 seconds.

Seated Figure Four Stretch
Equipment required: sturdy chair
1. Sit on a chair, and cross your ankle over the opposite knee.
2. Use your hand to lightly push down at the raised knee.
3. Maintaining a flat black, hinge at the hips and lean forward for a stronger stretch. You should feel the stretch along the back of your raised thigh, hip, and buttocks.
4. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times, then switch legs.

Sciatic Nerve Glide
Equipment required: sturdy chair
1. Sit up straight in a chair, keeping your back straight.
2. Maintain one foot on the floor, and extend the opposite leg at the knee so it is out in front of you.
3. Bring your toes up towards the ceiling, then back down towards the floor.
4. Repeat for about 15 repetitions, then switch to the opposite leg.
5. If this is painful, increase the bend in your knee so it is not as straight.

Hip Hinge
Equipment required: cane or broom
1. Begin standing upright, gripping a broom or cane behind your back along your spine to help cue yourself to keep your back straight.
2. With a straight back, hinge at the hips and bend forward. It may help to think about sending your hips backward as you hinge forward.
3. Hold in this position for 2 seconds, then rise back up and repeat for about 10 repetitions or until you feel muscle fatigue in your glute and hamstrings.
4. Make sure to keep your back straight by engaging your buttocks and core. Try to relax your shoulders and neck throughout the movement.

Triple Extension (hip extension, knee extension, plantar flexion)
Equipment required: wall
1. Stand facing arm's length away from a wall, with your legs hip-width apart. Lean on the wall with your hands for support.
2. Lift one leg toward your chest while lifting onto the heel of your standing foot.
3. Hold for 2 seconds, then lower back down and repeat for about 10 repetitions or until you feel muscle fatigue, then switch and perform on the opposite side.
Love these exercises and looking for more? You can check out our youtube channel for exercise videos and helpful tips from our very own licensed PTs! For a more personal approach, connect with our PTs directly by downloading the OneStep Digital Physical Therapy app to get started with a customized exercise program designed just for you.